Preventative Dental Care

Preventative Dental Services



Seven Years of Clinical Experience


prevent dental diseases before they start

At Town Center Family Dentistry, we have extensive clinical experience in diagnosing and treating diseases of the mouth. While we pride ourselves on the care we provide, we also recognize that it is better to prevent disease than to treat it. That is why we always look for the most conservative treatment options with a strong emphasis on prevention.

Cavities are one of the most common preventable diseases of the mouth. Along with good oral hygiene and dietary habits, one of the most effective means of reducing the risk of cavities is the application of fluoride. Fluoride strengthens teeth and can halt or even reverse small cavities before they penetrate deeper into the tooth. If you are at high risk of tooth decay, you may also benefit from prescription-strength toothpaste containing a higher concentration of fluoride.

For children and patients with naturally deep grooves on their back teeth, sealants provide another means of preventing cavities before they begin. Sealants prevent bacteria from becoming trapped in the grooves of your teeth by sealing these grooves shut. Sealants are a quick and painless way to significantly reduce the risk of cavities on your back teeth.

Some patients benefit from a nightguard. If you find yourself grinding your teeth at night, a nightguard may be a good option to prevent your teeth from being worn down over time. Nightguards are custom-made for your mouth and help protect both your natural teeth and any dental work you have done.

If you want to know more about how you can prevent dental diseases, give us a call and let us know how we can help you achieve your dental health goals.

Our Preventative Dental Solutions

  • Sealants
  • Nightguards
  • Fluoride treatment

A Local Dental Practice You Trust

Town Center Family Dentistry will always strive to provide you and your family with the dental care you need and deserve. As a local, veteran-owned practice, we are proud to serve both military and non-military families.

With over seven years of clinical experience, you can count on us to deliver high-quality dental services that work for your needs and budget. We're happy to work with most major insurers for your next treatment.

Appointments are available Mondays through Thursdays. We try to accommodate emergency needs. Call now to learn more!

Protect Your Teeth

Call now to find out how to prevent future dental problems from our experienced team

(757) 473-5706

(757) 473-5706

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Town Center Family Dentistry

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